General Competition Rules
Updated: December 6th, 2024
Blue Text = Indicates a recently updated or added rule.
[NOTE: These rules are evolving as Two Fat Guys Sim Racing Promotions evolves. They may be updated periodically.]
1.0 – Communication
In-Game Chat;
1.1 – All in-game chatter shall be kept to a minimum to allow for discussion to be made by our race controller. [This includes caution periods] If you need to discuss an issue with a competitor, wait until AFTER the race and send them a PM, or you can message ‘sigztnein’ on Discord and bring your concerns to our administration in a CALM and COLLECTED manner. We DO NOT need to discuss this in the session or publicly within our Discord server. Comments made during the race should remain PG-13. Keep cursing to a minimum, and refrain from making any sly or sarcastic remarks.
Post-Race Interviews;
1.2 – All participants within the top 3 are asked to park their cars on the front stretch in their finishing order before going to our Discord server’s “Waiting-Room” voice channel to be pulled in for an interview. During these interviews, please do not curse or make sly or snarky remarks toward our race controllers, broadcasters or fellow competitors. We understand that tempers may be high in some cases, but a broadcast is not where you bring up issues that you believe to be a cause for concern.
Violation Structure;
1 – Warning
2 – v1
3 – v2
4 – v3
[Two Fat Guys Administration holds the right to increase penalties when seen fit. See “PENALTIES” section below.]
Discord Voice Chat;
1.3 – Joining the voice channel of another driver, spotter, race controller or administrator in order to blame, yell, curse-out, threaten, make snide or sarcastic comments will result in an immediate v1 penalty if reported by the affected party of this offense. Severity may dictate a more severe penalty.
Text Chat [Any platform, i.e. Discord, Facebook, iRacing in-game chat, etc.];
1.4 – Negative text chatting is prohibited. Any private messages made in an attempt to blame, yell, curse-out, threaten, make snide or sarcastic comments toward one or more competitors, race controller, broadcaster or administrator should be reported to an administrator by the affected party for corrective action to be taken. Severity may dictate a more or severe penalty, but no penalty for this kind of violation shall be lower than a v1.
1.5 – Driver poaching [unless authorized by administrators] is explicitly PROHIBITED and will be met with an IMMEDIATE v2 penalty for the first offense. A 2nd offense will result in a v3 penalty.
Violation Structure;
1 – Warning
2 – v1
3 – v2
4 – v3
[Two Fat Guys Administration holds the right to increase penalties when seen fit. See “PENALTIES” section below.]
2.0 – Connection
2.1 – If you have a severe blink, you will be notified of this and asked to SAFELY drop to the rear of the field or park your car. You are held responsible for your connection to the session and are subject to any penalties that these issues may violate [i.e. ‘Net Code’ issues if determined severe enough].
2.1.1 – Severity of your blink is determined by the race controller(s), and could possibly result in a DQ if not addressed.
Session Issues;
2.2 – IF A SERVER CRASHES with less than 10 laps remaining in the A-Main, all results will be finalized and the event will be considered as completed. If the server crashes prior to the ‘10 laps remaining’ mark, it may be decided by administration to set up a lobby for only those within the a-main to compete as originally intended.
Hardware Issues;
2.3 – If a driver were to experience hardware issues [i.e. Wheel falls off of stand, pedal breaks, shifter falls off stand, etc.] it is required that the driver immediately and SAFELY pulls off to a safe area off of the racing line if possible and communicates to the race controller that there is an issue. A caution will be pulled, an EOL will be given and the race may resume.
2.3.1 – If you cannot continue due to the issue’s severity, you will receive a precautionary DQ for the event.
2.3.2 – If the issue repeats a 2nd time during the event, you will receive a DQ and be asked to fix the issue prior to competing in another Two Fat Guys Sim Racing Promotions event.
Violation Structure;
1 – Warning
2 – v1
3 – v2
4 – v3
[Two Fat Guys Administration holds the right to increase penalties when seen fit. See “PENALTIES” section below.]
3.0 – Retaliation and Intentional Wrecking policy
Intentional Wrecking & Retaliation;
3.1 – ANY intentional wrecking or retaliation will NOT be tolerated unless the event explicitly details permission to do so.
3.1.1 – This includes retaliating to retaliation. You will be penalized regardless of who started it, we will end it and both parties will be parked if the issue does not subside.
3.1.2 – Retaliation or intentional wrecking will result in an immediate v1 penalty for the FIRST OFFENSE. [SEE “PENALTIES” SECTION BELOW FOR PENALTY STRUCTURE DETAILS]
Violation Structure;
1 – Warning
2 – v1
3 – v2
4 – v3
[Two Fat Guys Administration holds the right to increase penalties when seen fit. See “PENALTIES” section below.]
4.0 – Practice Sessions
Penalties in Practice Sessions;
4.1 – You can still be penalized during a practice session, and should not use a practice session to wreck other drivers/mess around and cause issues. You will be warned ONCE. If the issue persists within the same practice session, you will receive a DQ. If a driver cannot compose themselves within a practice session, it is assumed that they cannot do it in a race session and our team will react as such.
Violation Structure;
1 – Warning
2 – v1
3 – v2
4 – v3
[Two Fat Guys Administration holds the right to increase penalties when seen fit. See “PENALTIES” section below.]
5.0 – Post-Race Penalties
Post Race Conduct;
5.1 – Unfortunately we do not have a points structure, and for that reason we have a strict policy when it comes to penalties. Although the outcome of a specific race may be unaffected [i.e. last place points, no points given, points fines, etc.], a driver may be temporarily [or permanently] barred from one or more future events due to their conduct during or after a race.
5.1.1 – Penalties may still be issued for violations made after the checkered flag. All drivers are expected to return to the pit OR stop in a SAFE location out of the driving line before coming to a stop and hitting the [ESC] key.
5.1.2 – Intentional Wrecking and Retaliation penalties still apply until the session has timed out. If caught, you will receive a penalty.
Violation Structure;
1 – Warning
2 – v1
3 – v2
4 – v3
[Two Fat Guys Administration holds the right to increase penalties when seen fit. See “PENALTIES” section below.]
6.0 – Starts and Restarts
Initial Starts;
6.1 – Initial starts are triggered by the leader at any time between a designated point on the circuit up to the drop of the green flag.
6.1.1 – Pace Vehicle sets the pace. Leaders should be within range of the pace vehicle. If the simulator is saying that you need to catch the pace vehicle, you are too far behind.
6.1.2 – Any and all designated start area markers will be detailed in the mandatory driver’s meetings.
6.1.3 – Second place drivers are NOT permitted to accelerate prior to the leader, or a caution may be thrown and a second attempt will be made if the second place driver does not let up and allow the leader to reclaim their rightful position in turn 1.
6.1.4 – Any and all jumped starts within one session (i.e. One heat race, one b-main, one a-main, etc.) will be reacted to with ONE warning. Second offense will result in an immediate EOL penalty. Third offense will be met with an event disqualification.
6.1.5 – Brake checking is strictly prohibited and will receive NO warning, regardless of position. First offense within a session is an EOL penalty. Second offense within a session is an event Disqualification.
6.1.6 – Lineup configuration on starts is necessary, and will be treated as a jumped start. Drivers should keep their car in line (you are allotted 3 quarters of a car width before you are found to be in violation) until after the start/finish line on starts and restarts unless avoiding a wreck. See below example:

6.1.7 – Drivers will not be penalized for avoiding a wreck on starts and restarts unless they are deemed as the cause.
6.1.8 – ALL black flags should be cleared once the field hits the back stretch during starts & restarts. Race controllers will deal with this. Any necessary calls will be made by the Two Fat Guys Sim Racing Promotions staff regarding finishing orders.
6.1.9 – Any driver found to have lagged behind on starts intentionally (beyond a reasonable doubt) in order to gain advantage, cause another driver to receive a penalty, or to affect drivers behind will be treated as brake checking and will be met with an automatic level 2/ v1 penalty.
Double File Restarts;
6.2 – Double File Restarts will be enacted throughout the course of the event until within 10 to go OR on consecutive cautions [i.e. No laps completed between two or more cautions].
Single File Restarts;
6.3 – Single File Restarts will be enacted within 10 to go OR on consecutive cautions.
6.3.1 – Leaders are permitted to pace on whichever line they decide, and ALL drivers behind must also pace in line with the leader. [See above example].
6.3.2 – All drivers are permitted to switch lanes once they have individually crossed the start/finish line UNLESS avoiding a wreck.
One To Go;
6.4 – Once the field receives the ‘One to go’ signal, all drivers are expected to carefully and safely catch up to the car ahead of them and neatly line up for the start. Tire warming or tire cooling of any sort [i.e. Weaving, driving on cooler surfaces, etc.] is not permitted during this stage of the caution.
Violation Structure;
1 – Warning
2 – v1
3 – v2
4 – v3
[Two Fat Guys Administration holds the right to increase penalties when seen fit. See “PENALTIES” section below.]
7.0 Cautions and Incidents
Driver at fault;
7.1 – If a driver does not claim fault for a caution, it will go into immediate review by race controller/ controllers. If a driver is found to be at fault, said driver will receive an EOL penalty.
7.1.2 – If a driver claims fault for a caution, incident review will be skipped and an EOL will be given to the driver at fault.
7.1.3 – If an incident is determined as a ‘racing ordeal’, no drivers will receive an EOL. Drivers will still be required to line up in the position that iRacing scores them in and tells them to return to.
7.1.4 – The incident claim window is from the initial point of caution until the ‘Two To Green’ order under caution, which is given by iRacing.
7.1.5 – Claiming fault for any incidents is NOT required by drivers, but is requested in order to keep the flow of the event in quick succession. We are here to put on a show and have fun, the less wasted time under caution laps we have, the better.
7.1.6 – If a caution is blatantly not the fault of the driver that claimed the caution, the penalty may fall on the driver who is found to be at fault, despite the other driver claiming fault. This is decided at the judgment of the race controller/ controllers.
7.1.7 – If a driver is at fault or claims a caution but is already at the rear of the field, they might not receive an EOL penalty.
7.1.8 – If an event details that there is a caution limit, drivers may receive a disqualification for the remainder of the event if they are at the limit.
Intentional Cautions;
7.2 – If a driver stops or spins intentionally to bring out a caution, they may be subject to disqualification for the remainder for the event, as well as an immediate v1 penalty. Intent will be determined by race controllers at the time of incident through review of cockpit cameras. Enforcement will be based upon whether or not the incident was intentional beyond a reasonable doubt.
7.2.1 – Cautions caused by mid-race retaliation (i.e. avoidable or intentional contact, beyond a reasonable doubt as determined by the race controller/ controllers) will be reacted to in the same way that is highlighted in section 3 of the TWO FAT GUYS SIM RACING PROMOTIONS GENERAL COMPETITION RULES.
Race Ended Under Caution;
7.3 – In the unlikely event that a race ends under caution, the final caution will be subject to review, and penalties may be handed out after the fact if necessary.
Spot Retention Policy;
7.4 – Drivers may only receive their position back if they receive damage or are spun after the yellow flag has come out. Drivers MUST bring this to the attention of the Race Controller who will review the incident in question in order to approve or deny a request to return to a position. If it is determined that a driver is at fault for the incident in question, that driver will receive an EOL for the first offense. Second offense from one driver within one session will result in an immediate DISQUALIFICATION and a V1 penalty.
Violation Structure;
1 – Warning
2 – v1
3 – v2
4 – v3
[Two Fat Guys Administration holds the right to increase penalties when seen fit. See “PENALTIES” section below.]
8.0 Driver’s Meetings, Registrations and Payments
Driver’s Meeting Attendance;
8.1 – Attendance for driver’s meetings is MANDATORY for ALL drivers.
8.1.1 – An exception may be made for drivers that disclose their reasons in a PM to an administrator for being unable to join the driver’s meeting channel on time. No exceptions will be granted if administrators are contacted within 1 hour of the advertised driver’s meeting start time.
8.2 – If a driver is discovered to have not been in driver’s meeting or registered for the event but managed to enter the session, a thorough investigation will be conducted to find those who are responsible for the password leak. Both individuals may receive a v1 penalty. [SEE “PENALTIES” SECTION BELOW FOR PENALTY STRUCTURE DETAILS]
Registration Forms;
8.3 – A Registration form MUST be filled out in order to compete. To see if you have completed a registration form, you must be in the Discord and check the designated channel for your name and number within the registered driver’s list, which is updated one or more times a day. Registrations will NOT be accepted after midnight of the day prior to an event.
Entry Fee Payments;
8.4 – A registration is considered incomplete until entry fee payment is received. Until payment is received, your registration is in a ‘suspended’ state and may be denied if not paid in time. Entry Fee payments ‘lock in’ registrations and ensure your spot in the event. These are valued on a ‘first paid – first served’ basis.
9.0 Penalties
1 – Written warning;
A message will be sent via Discord PM to a driver informing them of their violation and detailing that they have received a v1 penalty. This warning message does NOT require acknowledgement for increased penalties to be applied in the future where necessary.
2 – v1 One Race Suspension;
Under this penalty, a ONE RACE SUSPENSION is enacted. A driver who has an outstanding v2 penalty will be barred from competing in the NEXT AVAILABLE Two Fat Guys Sim Racing Promotions event.
3 – v2 Sim Season Suspension;
This penalty entails that a driver is prohibited from competing in the remainder of the current Two Fat Guys Sim Racing Promotions ‘Sim-Season’. A temporary ban may be enacted on this individual within the Discord server, and will be lifted the day AFTER the final Two Fat Guys Sim Racing Promotions scheduled race concludes.
4 – v3 Permanent Ban;
This penalty entails that a driver is permanently banned from any future Two Fat Guys Sim Racing Promotions events under the current administration. ADDITIONALLY, a warning message will be sent to more than ten other separate leagues to inform them of the driver’s wrongdoings within a Two Fat Guys Sim Racing Promotions session. From there, these leagues may assess as to whether or not they want to proactively ban this individual from competition within their league events.